FLORAL DESIGNS BY LEEAnniversary Flowers (Voted Best Florist in Kelowna
2022)https://floraldesignsbylee.com/category-anniversary.phpCall for more
*Click on the link below to view pricing options and to order online.*
*For more information or inquirie...
Art Walk 2019
Hello everyone. Proud to say that I have been accepted to Art walk
in Lake Country. The largest juried Art show in the Okanagan.
This will be my 8th appea...
jap GDP fell to -0.2% from 0.0% expected for the quarterly Q1 figure and
-0.6% from 0.0% anticipated for the every year determine. This drop turned
into f...
Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu (2005)
Toute la longueur de Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu en vidéo de haute
qualitéMaintenant, vous pouvez téléchargement complet Harry Potter et la
Coupe de Fe...
Cara Memperbanyak Kontak BBM
*Cara Memperbanyak Kontak BBM*
Cara Memperbanyak Kontak BBM | How to connection both increased fuel in a
hurry to memorandum in liability concern online ...
THE WEDDING PLANNING *“How to make a professional wedding
plan,interesting,andamazing like the celebrities or * *the rich and famous
to you and your prosp...
Baby Boomers High Debt Low Saving Very Wealthy
I watched this great documentary the other day that explains what I have
been seeing over the last 10 years. Baby Boomer's are caring high personal
debt, s...
Business Tips From ‘A Christmas Carol’
I came across this article by By Jen Schiller with business tips from A
Christmas Carol one of my favorite this time of the year. Enjoy, Don
As the holida...
Business Tips From ‘A Christmas Carol’
I came across this article by By Jen Schiller with business tips from A
Christmas Carol one of my favorite this time of the year. Enjoy, Don
As the holida...
Business Tips From ‘A Christmas Carol’
I came across this article by By Jen Schiller with business tips from A
Christmas Carol one of my favorite this time of the year. Enjoy, Don
As the holida...
1968 Cougar GTE
This Cardinal red 1968 Cougar GT-E is one of the rarest Muscle cars you
will ever find. An extremely rare cougar with the W code legendary 427-4V
engine a...
Kelowna's Best Insulation Just Got Better
Over the years Cellulose Insulation has been criticized for being to
dusty. My rebuttal to my competitions attempt to scare off my clientele
would alway...
Ottawa - Choosing Custom Drapery Fabrics
Fabrics come in many colours, patterns and textures. To ensure our choice
in fabric will provide the desired look we need to consider a few points.
Each ...
Ontario leads PV Solar payback
Over the past few months I have watched the solar industry grow in British
Columbia with the help of government incentives. Unfortunately we are still
Jerry's December Newsletter
Occasionally, I like to bring other perspectives to the Hospitality
Industry. Obtaining viewpoints from other practitioners equips you with
information to ...
Construction Budgeting - Contingency Reserve
The Importance Of a Contingency Reserve
Throughout the processes of remodeling, renovating, or building your own
home, some homeowners discover unforeseen...
Top 10 house design trends for 2010
I was recently searching for new design ideas for 2010 and came across the
See this video produced by the National Home Builders Association (...
Selling Breakthroughs - Kelowna Sales Training
*Keep your customers satisfied to create lasting relationships.*
The secret to making a successful sale is knowing what, why, how and when
your audience ...
Custom Finishing’s Kelowna
Custom Finishing’s – At Okanagan Custom Homes we can be hired to put the
final high quality finishing’s for your custom homes: We specialize in the
Are you ready for the changing business climate?
Are you ready for the changing business climate?
Rate the following questions 1 through 5, 5 being the best
• How will you manage the possibility of incre...
Housing Activity to Rebound in Second Half of 2009 and in 2010
OTTAWA, September 3, 2009 — Housing starts are expected to rebound in the
second half of 20...
Important Fundraiser
Today my blog is not about business..... it is about a community helping
one of our own....
My colleague Bill Jack of Club Wine Tours has a 5 year old dau...
Accounts Receivable Financing Kelowna
Typically referred at as "factoring", AR Financing is neither equity nor
debt, yet strengthens a balance sheet - and control of the business always
stays ...
Purchase Order Financing - Kelowna Factoring
Purchase Order Financing is the perfect solution for short-term funding
requirements. It can be used to finance the purchase or the manufacture of
Cash Flow Problems?
I provide the working capital you need - when you need it!
I purchase your Accounts Receivables, and provide immediate cash every 30
days. With up to $10 m...
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